Social media personality, Godiamo commits suicide in Miami
A renowned French entrepreneur, Gontran Diamo, with Instagram handle, @Godiamo has committed suicide by jumping off the 10th floor of an apartment building near Brick City Centre, Miami, Florida.
This comes after Diamo posted a suicide note in French on his Instagram page.

The deceased who was loved for his rags-to-riches story, was at the 73rd UN General Assembly, a day before. He did not give a reason for his action.
The Instagram post reads, “Dites a ma mère que je l’aime de tout mon me suis toujours battu pour qu’elle ne manque de rien et qu’elle pardonne ceux qui m’on fait du mal.papa aussi je t’aime fort♥️ , a mes freres et soeurs. Smartgirl je t’aimais je t aime et je t’aimerai♥️. Mes amis je vous aimes , aimons nous vivant. NB: j’espere pour vous que vous serez hyper riches apres ma mort.”
The translation reads, “Tell my mother that I love her with all my heart.I have always fought so that she lacks nothing and forgives those who hurt me. Papa also I love you so much ♥
, to my brothers and sisters. Smartgirl I loved you, I love you and I will love you. My friends, I love you, let us love you alive. NB: I hope for you that you will be very rich after my death.”
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