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Kanye gifted me $1million for turning down a job — Kim Kardashian Says

Kim Kardashian has revealed how husband Kanye West gifted her $1 million to thank her for not promoting another brand.
The TV personality has told how her other half asked her to turn down a lucrative offer from an unnamed fashion brand and gave her the large sum as a ‘thank you’.
Speaking to Ashley Graham during her new podcast Pretty Big Deal, Kim explained:
“He’s like the cutest.“A brand offered me a million dollars to do a post on some of their clothing and they typically—I don’t want to say who the brand is—but they typically knock off Yeezy.”
She revealed she told them she had to run it by her husband Kanye. However,when she told Kanye if she could do it, he said ‘No babe don’t do it’.
She went on futher to reveal though she knew that was a lot of money for just one post, she respected him and turned down the deal.
She continued
Mother’s Day was, like, the next week. Mother’s Day comes and he happened to be recording out of town and I get my flowers and then I get an envelope delivered to the door.
“I opened the envelope and it was a million dollar check with a note saying thank you for always supporting me and not posting.

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